I’ve had a few interesting experiences these past few weeks. First, lets talk about the fun stuff. VACATION! Dad, Carolyn, Nanny and I met up in Costa Rica in mid-June. It was a really great get away. Costa Rica is gorgeous and even though we were there during the rainy season (which lasts about 8 months out of the year) we still got to do and see a lot. Its all “eco-tourism” so most activities are outside or on the water. The best tour was a zipline in the rainforest. We were going from tree to tree suspended in the air like pros! The only real dud of a tour was our monkey tour which was apparently famous because we see so many monkeys and they do such kooky things but it will remain famous in our minds for coming up short. It was after a morning rain and we couldn’t get a single monkey to come to our boat. I guess we’ll just have to try again some other time!
Before I left I organized a class for the women in my community to study traditional Paraguayan embroidery. I love it! Myself, and other volunteer, and 12 moms and young ladies from my community worked at it for a week. There are some people that just can’t do it. It’s a lot about mathematics, symmetry, and creativity. Right up my ally! The teacher loved me so she also left me a sample fabric to practice while on vacation. I would probably say I’ve done about 50 or so different styles and we’re having more classes at the end of this month. If you want a shirt, let me know! Send me an email (betsy.curry@yahoo.com) and we can start personalizing size, color and design. Once I get some completed pieces, I’ll take pictures and post them on-line so you can all see the awesome-ness of it!
I came back to find the mother of my boyfriend in the hospital. She’s been in and out over the past couple of years and even in my time here I’ve seen her go through some rough times. She has diabetes which has lead her to blindness, a kidney that doesn’t work and another that is barely holding on, and gull stones. I went with Juan to the hospital to stay for a couple of days and take care of her. What a difference as compared to the hospitals I’ve seen in the states. This place is dirty, there are 3 people to a very small room and no dividers or privacy. A bathroom is attached to all rooms but it’s the responsibility of the families to clean the bathroom (which was nasty) and rooms. The families buy every little medicine and syringe the nurses need to give her, and the pharmacies aren’t even on-site. They’re about a 15 minute walk from the hospital. But what I think disgusted me the most was watching the nurses administer the drugs. If there was a syringe full of whatever and it had a little bit left, THEY JUST SQUIRTED IT ON THE FLOOR! The floors were covered and weird colors and spots and I could hardly watch them. As of now his mom has been in the hospital for over a month. I donated blood so she could continue her dialysis, which she just started recently. There is a major shortage of blood donors and basically people only give when someone in their family is sick. Even then, if 2 people donate 1 goes to the person requested and 1 goes into the blood bank. It all reminded me of my days in the auxiliary gym at Parkersburg High doing Red Cross blood drives!
Last Thursday was another strange experience. We had a freak hailstorm that may have ruined a lot of income for my farming community. The weird thing was that it hit only on certain streets and areas. It completely bore holes through a lot of fiberglass roofing (which almost every family has) and destroyed a lot of banana and pineapple. Normally exporting banana would go through October but this is the last week because very few have the quality needed to export. My host dad’s field wasn’t hit too badly so I think he should still be able to sell in-country, but a lot of farmers are devastated. And if there is banana to sell, there is no money, and that means I’m worried a lot of my computer class students will have to drop out. A mother asked me about credit but these people are so deep in debt for other things, I can’t allow myself to give them more. On top of that, I don’t want to leave my coop worse-off financially than when I came. We’ll see how all of this plays out. Pineapple season isn’t until November or December, so only time will tell how those damaged fields hold up.
Now onto what’s coming up… I will start an 8 week nutrition program in September at my school. My school is basically a mess so the plan is to do that but we’ll see what barriers present themselves. I’m also doing anti-parasite presentations starting next week. Maybe only 1-2 hours of teaching, but its so common here that its necessary. The women’s committee is on its way to having 35 chicken coops! I’m responsible for writing the project request (with their help of course!) and its almost done. All in all it’s a very expensive project that honestly isn’t sustainable but its what all the ladies want so I’m going for it with them. I have constant problems with the ladies because they just love rumors and actually spent an entire meeting talking me and rumors that are made up. I put an end to that quickly but there are about 10 that I really like and wish we could just drop the other 25 and move on. Being a part of this committee reminded my why I never lasted in sorority life!! I’m still not doing much outside of computer classes for the coop. My contact also just left to take a new job so I worry that I’ll be doing even less than before. Its been over a year in my site though (can you believe it!?!?!) so at least I’m not as green as I was and I know the people I need to know to get things accomplished.
Reflecting at my one year in-site mark and I’m pretty pleased. Most days aren’t simple and easy, but that keeps me on my toes. I’m learning more and more about myself daily, which is an important bonus to life thousands of miles away from friends and family. I miss you all and I’m looking forward to visits from many of you. Please keep in touch with all you’re doing as well!!
Oh! And I need to give two shout outs! Congrats to Nicole Modeen for her wedding to Adam Hark and another congrats to Angela Brunicardi that just go engaged to her boyfriend and best friend Brandon Doss! Hopefully I’ll be able to make it to that throw down… I’m already imagining the menu!
I’ve also updated my pictures. I’ll try to update a vacation one sometime soon. Check it out! Just click the pic or the link below where is says paraguaysmellslikecurry
by paraguaysmellslikecurry