Thursday, October 18, 2007

adventures in the campo!

Its been quite a couple of weeks! I´ve been busy, but have managed to upload pictures too so please follow the link at the bottom of my blog to see visual evidence of the fun and friends here in PY!

I had a trip into the capital, Asunción, about two weeks ago. It was really entertaining and great to see my friends that I´ve missed for 6 weeks, but it´s not my home. My home is here, out in the middle of no where, and after 3 days I was more than ready to return to my tranquil life. We did manage to see another movie, and go to an American restaurant... yes, we chose HOOTER´S! Turns out they play American football, so we went for that and seriously stayed for the wings!

At my house we have a pretty extensive love triangle going on, and I may be the one who benefits! We have two male dogs and one female. The girl, Chickitita, was on a type of birth control which is in the form of a shot and given to her every six months. They tried to give it to her and a few drops didn´t go in her hip, and she went into heat that night. We didn´t know who the daddy would be, but the giant dog, Tobi, has been really protective of her and naps with her during the day so looks like we know who big poppa is! In four months I may have a pupi!! (Puppy in spanish but pronounced poopy)

I´m sans a daily schedule so I´ve invented my own. Its been working pretty well and gives me a lot more direction with my days. Time for coop info is in there, as well as language study, visiting the school, talking with neighbors, exercise and of course.. CHE TIEMPO! (me time, in Guarani)

Last week I had my first brush with death. Yes, I killed a tarantula! I´m sure its of of many to come, but let it be known world... I screamed like a school girl throughout the entire process! I woke up to find it in my bathroom halfway under my trash can. I stared in disbelief for a solid 15 minutes debating my strategic attack. I eventually opted for one tennis shoe (why not both? your guess is as good as mine!) because I had the most control over my foot. Brooms seemed risky and I didn´t want it to charge at me! So I smashed it, with my right foot, and squealed!! The I had to scoop it up with cardboard and through it outside, all the while shivers ran down my spine. Good times!!

Yesterday was a blast! Real campo day for me! Got up at 4am to kill a cow! I had seen this before, so it was a little less traumatic since I knew what to expect. I will however, never eat the stomach again. I had tried it, and didn´t exactly enjoy the flavor, but now that I´ve seen them push probably 40lbs of poop out of it then just rinse with a hose and boil to it? I think I´m done, thanks! I also helped them prepare blood sausages... which I politely tried but also, won´t be requesting. They basically take the liver, heart and some other internal organs... grind them up, mix them with the cow´s blood then throw the concoction back into the small intestines. Yummy! My family was picking at it all day saying how good it was. Knowing the process just takes away the flavor for me.

Peace Corps has asked me to come into Asunción Monday to help them write an annual report for PC Washington, D.C. so I look forward to enjoying two days and three nights on their dollar! I also hope to pick up materials about bananas and pineapples so I can better understand the work of my farmers, potential projects for the women´s committee, materials to teach English when school gets out here in November, and information about a PC scholarship for my guarani teacher who is the perfect candidate! Its for any female in the country that has a desire to continue their education, and she´s more than qualified because she´s in hair school and becoming a teacher at the same time while still fitting in a few lesson for me each week. She´s great!

I´ve been doing a lot of reading, but I´ll start from here on out updated on my book selections.

Currently Reading: Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
Comments: hands down one of the subtly funniest books I´ve read to date!

And here are the pics.... They don´t all have captions right now because the computer is being slow, but the house ones are kind of obvious... before, and the glory that is NOW!

Peace Corps Paraguay Dos

I love you all and please keep the emails, notes, and packages coming!

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