Friday, December 28, 2007

picture update!


Two, I have a ton of pictures but Webshots has given me a headache for the past month trying to upload just a few! After a many frustrated hours spent here, I finally got a few up. They don´t have captions though... so here´s a recap.

There is a picture of traditional PYan dance and attire. (little sister Romina in the middle)

If Romina has white on or people are in rain gear, it was at her end of the school reception. She got #1 student in her class for the third year in a row! As a reward, her parents bought her a COMPUTER! She is hands down the only almost 9 year old in the campo in the ENTIRE country to get a computer!

Christmas celerbations here happen Christmas Eve. You stay up until midnight drinking beer and then set off fireworks, give everyone hugs and kisses, eat a big meal and go to bed. If you want to have love in the next year, you wear red. I wore a little to humor them.

Its also pineapple time so there is one pictures of the 18-wheeler that pulled in to take our pineapples to Argentina.

Also a few other comic pics like Yoni getting his head stuck in a chair and their version of deocrating for Christmas. Not at ALL like ours!

Love you guys and shoot me an email and let me know you were holidays were swell!

Paraguay Tres


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome awesome job keeping your blog current and fresh...o wait, that wasn't you. Because this thing is so behind, seriously, like over a month. Who do you think you are? How can you live in a country known for having the most computers with the most internet access, and still neglect your blog?

If I were your parents, I would fly to paraguay with a rock, and then come to your hut, knock on the sheet you call a front door, throw the rock at you, and then leave.

It is almost like you are brittney spears and this blog is your children. Stop avoiding it.

Ok, rant complete.

~the greatest gift God ever gave you.