Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rainy days and little activity

My dad called the other morning and mentioned that I hadn´t written in my blog for quite some time. “I guess you´re kind of bored and nothing exciting is happening?” he asked, and to be honest… he´s totally right! Its been completely tranquillo here due to the holidays, and I´m sorry I don´t have more enthralling adventures to report!

We did kill a pig for New Years which was pretty great. It was my second pig killing, but after you get over the shock of your first... the second is kind of fun! I´ve still refused to take an active roll in cutting anything, but I did get some fantastic pictures! I told them the next time, I´m all in so we´ll see if they remember.

Other than that it´s just been kind of rainy, and when it rains the world stops. I used to think that was horrible, but I LOVE IT! It gives me a great excuse to be a little lazy and just stay in bed and catch up on some reading if I feel like it.

I will have my first visitor next month!! I´m really excited that my great former (and perhaps future some day?) roommate is making his way down from his new home in Florida! I wish I could tell you that Kyle and I just can´t live without each other, and although that is somewhat true, he actually works for American Airlines and its a lot easier (and cheaper!) for him to fly down. He´s promised many visits while I´m here, so let´s make sure he keeps his word!

My other fantastic roommate from college, Emily, is also joining the Peace Corps family in February. She´s moving to Malawi, Africa to be in their Environmental Education program. I´m slightly jealous because Malawi is right next to Mozambique where our good friend Zachery Scott is a Peace Corps Non-governmental organization AIDS volunteer. I tell Emily that she´ll have a great time, but who knows what Africa is like? I love it down here, and we´ll all just have to stay posted to her adventure too.

As for work, my 3 other PC neighbors and I managed to get a free show out of the biggest radio station in my area. We´re planning to start next month. It will be a one hour show where we´ll talk about everything from global warming to what´s going on in our neighborhoods. We´ll play any kind of music we want (although I don´t think Paraguayans are ready for any of the Microwave Mixes, right Cathy?) and we just chose our theme song. Don´t judge, because its totally musically based, but it´s Destiny Child´s Bootylicious! Should be a lot of fun, and if you plan on visiting... also plan on being on the show with us!

I´m doing two, 8 day youth camps as well. The days I´ve planned all by myself involve appreciation for nature and trees. I figured that would be more appropriate since kids between 5 and 11 probably don´t want to talk about computerized accounting methods or marketing tactics!

I recently made a trip to Asunción and trekked home with 8 packages! A BIG thank you to Dad and Carolyn, Laurie Sheldon and her family, Stephie, Nicole, Uncle Dave and Aunt Mary Jane. I absolutely loved each pacakge and my family and neighborhood kids were equally excited! Thank you guys for always thinking of me, and as usual... keep them coming! They brighten my weeks! But I am sad to report to Kely that the puppy he sent has not yet made it. I hope it makes it, but it´s been in that box for over a month now!

I´ve been hanging out more with my host mom´s brother, Juan. He´s the one that has been interested since my first weekend here, so we´ll see where things go. He´s a really good guy, and it´s just so typically West Virginian that I may eventually be romantically involved with my “uncle,” right? 

Well I´m on coop duty right now so I at least better look like I´m working on coop related activities. Blogs are first though! I love and miss you all. Please continue the emails, phone calls and packages!


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