Friday, June 22, 2007

It´s been a while...

So life has been busy here! Last Wednesday we visited Asuncion, which is the capital of Paraguay, for the first time. That was an adventure and fun! We had a task to complete in pairs, and mine was meeting with a man that runs a company called CAPYME. We were given zero directions and just told what business to report to. We asked around our community and found out what buses to take where, and after walking quite a bit we found it. The guy was AMAZGING! He spoke English (which is almost unheard of here!) and his company helps small or medium sized businesses throughout the country. He wants a volunteer to work at one of his more rural businesses, but apparently the PC hasn´t agreed to that yet. He was really interesting though!

The capital is pretty dirty, just like the rest of the country. Actually, while at lunch an older man stopped me and said I was in the newspaper. He was from FL and said he never forgot a face. I hate to break it to you folks, but I am not famous in Paraguay (yet). It was some other PC volunteer, but apparently the main PC office is doing a lot of advertising for the giant 40th anniversary celebration in August. My swearing in actually! The president of PC will be coming down and its going to be a REALLY big deal!

Over the weekend, I was given the name of a volunteer and where she lived. Again, no real directions, just to find your way to the main bus terminal in Asucion and make it there SOLO. Made it there and got in my 5 hour ride to this volunteer I have never spoken to. Luckily, she was great! It was sooo refreshing to see the actual life of a volunteer. She had a really modest house... only two rooms, no fridge, no running water, a well that we couldn´t drink, and a latrine that was so far away we peed in a bucket at night. And you know what, I LOVED IT! You are one your own, you are doing good work, its just fantastic! I am really looking forward to having that freedom in a few months.

I lived with the volunteer from Saturday until Tuesday, and for Dia de Padre (Fathers Day), we went to a neighbors for asado which is BBQ essential. It was TASTY! Political talk started coming out though and although we all know I´m not a fan of our current administration, we have it way better off than most. W is a complete idiot, but Paraguayans lived under a dictator for 40 years. Strossner taught them to rely on others and never trust the government or any hierarchy of power. If people met in groups of 4 people, the police would come and break them up. This was only ended less than 20 years ago! So the older generations still talk about it, and although I do not think dictatorships are the answer to anything, a lot of people here liked it better. They felt safer in their communities and had a better economy, and thats all they recognize. The corruption is still prevelant here, but its just a lot to understand. It really affects the way I will need to observe others and motivate others, because honestly they are just unaware of all they can do.

This weekend is my first Paraguayan wedding and next weekend is the big 4th of July party at the Embassy! Its a pretty chuchi place, so we are all looking forward to exploring. Apparently the Marines are UBER competitive at volleyball at this party, so we have already signed ourselves up to complete. THEY ARE GOING DOWN!!!

More to come in the future! Also, if you email me and I don´t respond... do not worry! I am loving the updates but finding the time to write back to everyone is really tough! Keep them coming though! They keep me sane and you are all in my thoughts frequently!!


Anonymous said...

Betsy we are so proud of you. Sounds real scary, navigating a foreign country all by yourself. Sounds sort of like you're in for a 27 month camping trip. We love you. Dad

Anonymous said...

Is it sad that I look forward to the blog updates all week? I suppose those of us in Columbia are all living vicariously through you, B. We miss you and keep the interesting updates coming!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to some of what you're saying. In some parts of Argentina that is all true too (at least the living conditions part). Asado is very good and I miss it sometimes. One week till the big day, not ready to run yet. Keep it easy.


Anonymous said...

It is so weird being in DC and not knowing a single person. I wish you could relate.

AMEE said...

Hi Betsy! We are enjoying your blog. This is Shawn Owens' family. We think he is in training with your group. Is he there with you? He hasn't posted anything for us, but we aren't surprised. If you see him tell him that AJ and Elisabeth are enjoying all the interesting remarks you are posting about him on your blog. That might get his attention. He's used to us giving him a hard time. I hope your luggage finally arrived safely!

N.L. Hopkins said...

I'm going to be like you when I grow up. I'm very happy for you. When I think of something a little more intelligent,I'll be back, until ten. keep blogging.